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dental implants
Are All-on-4/All-on-6 Dental Implants Permanent?
All-on-4/All-on-6, and dental implants in general, are permanent! Dental implants are a fixed, permanent solution that can replace all or some of your teeth. Dental...
dental implants
Are All-on 4 Dental Implants Removable?
Are All-on-4 Dental Implants Removable? Every day patients come to me for advice and have questions concerning tooth replacement options for a full arch or...
Dentures... Just Say No!
We are simply not fans of dentures here at 1st Choice Dental. There are many reasons we dislike dentures, but the main takeaway is that...
Traditional Dentures Vs. Dental Implants. Dentures May Cause A Whole New Set Of Problems
Those contemplating traditional dentures may believe that they’re solving their problems by having their teeth removed and replacing them with the dentures. Unfortunately, most denture...
No More Dentures! How All-on-4/All-on-6 Dental Implants Can Help You!
You may think that when you get older, or if you’re already suffering from bad teeth, that you may be doomed to dentures, and there...
dental tourism icon
Dental Tourism
Looking for affordable dental treatment and wanting to travel for it? Read this quick blog to find out the facts. Dental tourism is the practice...
dental implants - how it works
Implant Supported Dentures Could Improve Your Bone Health
Generations have depended on dentures to effectively and affordably replace lost teeth. But they do have a major weakness: They contribute to jawbone loss that...

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